We're The Funnel Flippers

But you can call us Sami & Kylee

We’re on a mission to empower impact-driven entrepreneurs with customized HighLevel systems and automation strategies so their business works for them.

Our goal is to optimize your systems, enhance your customer journey, and automate operations so you reach more people with less work. Spend more time in your zone of genius while your business nurtures your audience and drives growth in the background.

Our systems anticipate your needs, significantly enhancing your life by freeing you to grow your business, spend quality time with loved ones, or enjoy some downtime. Your team can focus on high-impact tasks, while our custom systems handle the repetitive ones, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Whether you're seeking strategic guidance or a complete done-for-you solution, we are the experts you want by your side for your scaling journey.

Let’s build a business that works for you, not the other way around.

We’re on a mission to empower mama entrepreneurs with customized evergreen strategies and automation, so their businesses work for them, not the other way around.

Say goodbye to manual tasks and late-night email sending. With our expertise in strategy, copy, design, and automations, your evergreen sales funnel will work seamlessly, creating a personalized journey for each client that enters your world. 

We discovered a better way after witnessing the crushing impact of endless launch preparations. Unlike others, we optimize your offer for Evergreen and automate the entire process, resulting in increased sales of as much as 52%+ while you focus on what matters most to you. 

Whether you're seeking strategic guidance or a complete done-for-you solution, we are the experts you want by your side for your scaling journey.

Did you know?

The average live launch requires...

100+ hours

Of time spent preparing for and implementing the live launch


To launch twice a year between team members and paid advertising

5% average

Conversion rate for a live launch with a live component as a sales trigger

Let's compare a Fully Automated evergreen offer

1 hour

The amount of time you'll need weekly to check in to your evergreen funnel


The investment to have your offer 100% transitioned with Sami & Kylee

3% average

Conversion rate for a hands-off, fully automated evergreen sales funnel

Our Story

The origins behind our automation obsession

Our story began in the trenches of digital chaos. We spent countless hours trying to make mismatched platforms talk to each other, like stubborn toddlers at the playground. We were using Kajabi for courses, ClickFunnels for funnels, ConvertKit for emails, and more. It was a tangled mess of tools that drained our energy and time.

We watched our clients struggle too—bogged down by manual tasks and paying VAs to do what should have been automated. We knew there had to be a better way. We became obsessed with finding it.

Enter the holy grail of systems. HighLevel.

We dove in headfirst, pushing the platform to its limits, and realized that we could create automations that other platforms made impossible. We became little fixer uppers, creating custom solutions that turned complex processes into seamless workflows.

Our passion for automation grew with each success. We saw the transformation in our clients' businesses—how automations freed them from mundane tasks, allowing them to focus on revenue driving activities. We customized systems to fit their unique needs, ensuring their businesses ran smoothly and efficiently.

We thrive on challenges, and there's no automation we can't make happen. Need a custom workflow that anticipates your every move? Done. Want your VAs to focus on strategy while the tech handles the grunt work? We’ve got you covered.

We believe in building businesses that work for you, not the other way around. Our custom systems are designed to save you time, money, and energy, so you can scale your impact and enjoy life more. Automations are everything, and we’re here to make them work for you with our unique touch.

Let’s create a seamless, automated future for your business—together.



You’ll often catch her staring off into space mid-conversation as the gears start turning, mapping out how all the automations fit together.

Sami is passionate about optimizing customer journeys through automation. With her psych degree, she knows just how crucial it is to get the customer experience right from the start.

She’s not just about making things work; she’s about making them work brilliantly.

Sami loves diving into ideal client research and interviews. Crafting custom customer journeys that resonate deeply is her jam, and she’s all about creating seamless experiences that feel personal and engaging.

Quirky, driven, and a bit of a tech whisperer, Sami is here to turn your business operations into a symphony of efficiency and effectiveness.



Obsessed with staying up-to-date on the latest updates and innovations, Kylee leverages this knowledge to deliver cutting-edge solutions for our clients.

She will figure out a solution to any problem that comes her way because she refuses to be beaten. Ever.

Tech is her passion. See her online at midnight? She's definitely testing out new features and baking a new dessert while the house is quiet.

This multitalented tech ninja is known for bending platforms to their max and implementing automations that clients were previously told were impossible.

With Kylee on your side, your business will not only look amazing but will also function at its peak efficiency. She’s here to ensure your systems run smoothly, making sure every automation is flawless and every user interaction is a good one..

Ready to scale your business with automated solutions?

Here's what you can do now:

Explore Our Services

Discover how we can tailor evergreen strategies and automation to your unique business needs.

Schedule a Coffee Call

Let's grab a latte, kick back and discuss your project ideas and needs to explore how we can work together.

Ready to scale your business with an evergreen funnel?

Here's what you can do now:

Take Our Scalability Quiz

To determine if your current offer is ready to scale, and if so, what the next steps include.

Explore Our Services

Discover how we can tailor evergreen strategies and automation to your unique business needs.

Schedule a Coffee Call

Let's grab a latte, kick back and discuss your project ideas and needs to explore how we can work together.

Not quite ready for Done For You?

Check out our resources page for loads of extra goodies to get you started.



Mega awkward by default. Copywriter by choice. You'll likely see Sami more than you hear her because putting words together out loud is scary AF.

She's completely obsessed with utilizing her psych degree in copywriting and funnel strategy, because there are way too many people out there with icky, slimy, manipulative sales tactics.

Ideal client research and interviews are one of her fave parts of the gig. Talking to people may be terrifying, but interviewing ICAs is her jam.



Design is her passion. See her online at midnight? She's definitely practicing new design techniques and baking a new dessert while the house is quiet.

This multitalented blue-haired tech ninja has been known to bend platforms to their max and implement automations that clients were previously told were not possible.

Not only does she make *pretty* pages, Kylee uses her knowledge of UX design psychology to make the user experience unforgettable.



Amy's funnel converted at 52% after our Funnel Flip VIP Session!

I found Kylee and Sami on "Hire a Marketer" - Once we had our call, I knew right away they were the right fit for me. They are high energy, hip, - and really good at listening. I loved the option of their VIP 2 day intensive. I work best in sprints, intense focused time - and I loved that they offered that as an option. I was also amazed how easily and effortless they seem to capture my voice and aesthetic. All the copy, on the pages, and in my emails actually sounds like I wrote them. Now we will see if the pages convert! But they look amazing.



I found Kylee and Sami on "Hire a Marketer" - Once we had our call, I knew right away they were the right fit for me. They are high energy, hip, - and really good at listening. I loved the option of their VIP 2 day intensive. I work best in sprints, intense focused time - and I loved that they offered that as an option. I was also amazed how easily and effortless they seem to capture my voice and aesthetic. All the copy, on the pages, and in my emails actually sounds like I wrote them. Now we will see if the pages convert! But they look amazing.


Amy's funnel converted at 52% after our Funnel Flip VIP Session!


"ensureD a seamless funnel flow, aNd have provided input as thought partners to consistently improve our course workflow."

"Kylee and Sami have assisted us with large launches for a number of years and have demonstrated the capability to create a variety of branded landing pages, including long-form sales pages, webinar registration pages, and more. They have successfully managed our ad campaigns to always have a positive ROI, and has set up backend systems and automations to ensure a seamless funnel flow and have provided input as thought partners to consistently improve our course workflow."

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